NRCHA Website Redesign — Request for Proposal
The National Reined Cow Horse Association website is high traffic with a consistent audience that navigates the site’s extensive content with four main motivators:
- Membership Resources
- Horse Show Information
- Navigated by exhibitors, show managers and fans
- Association News
- Historical Information
The website, nrcha.com, is currently running on an out-of-date Word Press theme that is not mobile responsive. We are looking for proposals to redesign and include the following:
- Custom-built template with dynamic style and coding standards, one that is a not an open-source code
- Mobile responsive site that offers dynamic content updates to increase user engagement
- Full analytics and search engine optimization
The site includes existing plugins necessary for the audience that includes an event management area as well as access to an online entry program. The site will need to be able to integrate seamlessly. NRCHA has color branding and logos that will be utilized in site design.
We are looking for a proposal that will offer these items, at minimum:
- Design and development of a site with
- Custom post type with pre-templated pages for content creation by the communications manager
- Custom user types and permissions
- Custom plugins for existing programs:
- Member Directory (Microsoft Access program integration)
- Member Online Research (fed through the Cow Plus database)
- CowHorse+ Online Horse Show Entry and Results
- Million Dollar Rider / Million Dollar Sire library
- Hall of Fame / Hall of Merit archive
- Data Migration & SEO
- Rounds of edits included
NRCHA is accepting proposals through February 28, 2022. Please submit them to nrcha@nrcha.com.