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NRCHA Rule Change Reminders

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NRCHA Rule Change Reminders

By April 29, 2022No Comments

NRCHA Rule Change Reminders

With the large amount of growth reined cow horse has seen over the past few months, the National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA) would like to remind its members of the rule modifications that were put in place for the 2022 show season.

“As we move into the busiest months of the show season, we want to make sure all of our members – whether new or returning to our arenas – are set up for success,” said Anna Morrison, NRCHA executive director. “Our rule book is an outstanding resource for our members, as are our staff, affiliates, and NRCHA professionals. The whole NRCHA family is here to help our members have a positive experience at our shows.” 

Below is a list of the rule changes and clarifications that were made for the 2022 show season. Items marked as Digital Rule Book Update are reflected in the online rule book and are not current in the printed edition.

Two Rein Class/Equipment

  • Rule 3.7 – The Two Rein class is open to horses of any age that have not shown in the bridle down the fence or in boxing in any judged classes or events. 

Box Drive Class

  • Rule 3.12 – The Box Drive class is now recognized as an official NRCHA class. This class will count for regional and national standings along with World Show Qualification. The class will now have its own rein work which will no longer run concurrently with the rein work of other Boxing division classes.

Limited Aged Events

  • Rule 10 – Clarifies that a rider can show a 6-year-old horse in a snaffle bit but not a hackamore for the Non Pro Boxing derbies.
  • Rule – For a Non Pro rider substitution, allows a rider to substitute a family member that holds a Non Pro card. 
  • Rule 10.9 – Clarifies that all derbies are restricted to 4- and 5-year-old horses that have never been shown down the fence in a bridle. 


  • Rule – During the cow work when a cow leaves the working area, it is automatic that contestant will receive a new cow and scoring will begin again with a new cow, unless the contestant has been awarded a new cow and opted to continue working the current cow. 
  • Rule – In the case that a rider is awarded a third cow, the rider will have the option to work their new cow or to rest their horse and work their new cow at the end of the next set. If the rider is in the last set of the class, they shall be afforded up to 20 minutes for their horse to recover before working the third cow. 
  • Rule and Rule (Digital Rule Book Update)– Clarifies the release of the cow in parts Two and Four of the Box Drive class.
  • Box Drive – Penalty Points (Digital Rule Book Update)– Clarification was made to penalty J in the Box Drive class. A rider may not school the horse between the rein work and the cow work. Doing so will result in a 0 score. 

NRCHA Managed Events

  • Rule 10.5.1 – Updates were made to the number of finalists taken back at NRCHA-managed Limited Aged Events, along with clarification on the LAE payout.
  • Rule 12.2.7 – To be included in the draw entries must be received by the published draw date. Late entries will now be accepted until noon the day prior to the class. Entries received after the draw date will follow Rule 9.4 to determine draw position.

The latest version of the NRCHA Rule Book can be found online at

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