Ryan Gallentine

Ryan Gallentine lives and trains out of Belle Plaine, Minnesota.  Starting in 2009 with Colonels Miss Chic (Chic Please x Frecklin Rooster x Gallo Del Cielo), Gallentine has competed successfully in reined cow horse events at the affiliate level for some time and showing a National Reined Cow Horse Association Snaffle Bit Futurity® entry in 2011.

Aboard One Ata Time (One Time Pepto x Hip Hip Sue Rey x Dual Rey), owned by Steve Mattson, Gallentine hit the top of the NRCHA ransk with wins such as the 2021 NRCHA Stallion Stakes Intermediate Open Stakes Championship and the 2021 Dom Conicelli Memorial Eastern Derby, presented by MARS Equestrian™, Open Hackamore Circuit Championship, and the 2022 Tres Osos Cow Horse Derby Intermediate Open Championship.

With more than $308,000 in NRCHA earnings, Gallentine is in the top 30 riders for 2023. He is also a 1A NRCHA Judge. Gallentine and his wife, Samantha, have two children, a son, Reese, and daughter, Gracie.