
Cow Horse Incentive Subscribed

Eligible Foal Crops: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Million Dollar Status
Peptoboonsmal (Peppy San Badger x Royal Blue Boon x Boon Bar), foaled in 1992, was bred by Larry Hall, Weatherford, Texas. Under Gary Bellenfant’s saddle, he won $180,487 in National Cutting Horse Association money as a 3- and 4-year-old, highlighted by the 1995 National Cutting Horse Association Futurity Open Championship.
Peptoboonsmal’s offspring earnings across all disciplines exceed $20 million. He has been a top cutting horse sire every year since his first foal crop came of show age in 2001. His NRCHA-performing foals have won $1,152,368.59. The top-earning cow horse sired by Peptoboonsmal is the 2005 red roan stallion Smart Boons (out of Smart Little Easter x Smart Little Lena), owned by Kevin and Sydney Knight. Shown primarily by NRCHA $1 Million Rider Corey Cushing, Smart Boons earned $191,273, including the 2009 NRCHA Derby Open Championship, before retiring from the show pen in 2012.
Other leading cow horses by Peptoboonsmal include the 2001 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Open Champion, Boonlight Dancer (out of Little Dancer Lena x Smart Little Lena), an earner of $118,286; Jasons Peptolena (out of Amys Little Date x Smart Little Lena), an earner of $79,397; and Picka Patcha Pepto (out of Patches Of Blue x Smart Little Lena), an earner of $71,983.
Peptoboonsmal was owned by Larry Hall Cutting Horses until 2007, when he was acquired by Jackson Land & Cattle, Jackson Hole, WY.